About ADDvise Group
The Whistleblower System of ADDvise Group is to ensure the reporting of serious irregularities.
The Whistleblower System is part of ADDvise’s work to maintain and ensure a transparent working environment, with sound business ethics. It also enables us to detect, prevent and remedy any wrongdoings at an early stage. The reporting can be used to draw our attention to misconduct, acts or omissions, within e.g., public procurement, financial services, product safety and compliance, transport safety, environmental protection, public health, consumer protection and protection of privacy and personal data.
Whistleblower reports can be submitted in writing openly or anonymously via the form below or orally to Hanna Myhrman, General Counsel, ADDvise Group AB, hanna.myhrman@addvisegroup.se or by phone +46 8 128 766 11.
You will receive information about the investigation within three months from reporting. Please note that if your application is submitted anonymously, we will not be able to give you feedback. The identity of the reporting person is not disclosed to anyone beyond the authorised staff members competent to receive and follow up on reports. Whistleblower reports can also be submitted to competent authorities.
Protection for the reporting person
- The reporting person should not be considered to have breached any restriction on disclosure of information and incur liability of such report provided that they had reasonable grounds to believe that the reporting was necessary for revealing a breach.
- Prohibition of work-related retaliation.
- Protection of personal data of the persons referred to in the report protected at all stages of the procedure.