Leading supplier

to healthcare and
research facilities


Notice to extraordinary general meeting of ADDvise Group AB (publ)


ADDvise Group AB (publ), reg. no 556363–2115, hereby convenes the extraordinary general meeting on 12 March 2025 at 10:00 CET at Grev Turegatan 30 in Stockholm. Entrance and registration start at 09:30 CET. Shareholders wishing to attend the general meeting must: i)          be registered in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden on the record…

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ADDvise Group’s Business Units

ADDvise Group is an expanding group that offers total solutions in the form of products and services to healthcare and research facilities through its subsidiaries within the business units Lab and Healthcare.

Words from our CEO

We are proud to be involved and make a difference

Expanding and developing ADDvise and our subsidiaries today feels more important than ever. We strive to extend, improve, and save people’s lives by developing and providing products and services for healthcare and research segments.

About us
To be a part of ADDvise Group

Together we become stronger

ADDvise Group acknowledge the unique structure of each business they acquire, and their decentralized approach allows their companies to flourish in their own right. While at the same time their corporate support functions add value where it is needed, as well as security to our business and our clients. We are very happy to be part of ADDvise Group.

Samuel Hussain, CEO, MRC Cleanroom Systems

For entrepreneurs